GST Billing and accounting with e-envoice software World’s first unicode-based Best ERP Software for Supermarkets, Mobile Shops / Computers / Electronics / FMCG Dealers, Retailers / Wholesalers / Manufacturers
The GST Identification Number (GSTIN) is a unique 15-digit identifier assigned to every business registered under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system in India. It replaces multiple tax registration numbers, such as TIN (for VAT) and Service Tax Registration Number, streamlining tax compliance.
For example, if a business has multiple registrations in a state, the 13th digit will increase accordingly (e.g., “1” for the first registration, “2” for the second, up to “B” for the 11th registration).
GST is categorized into three types based on transaction location:
✅ Intra-State Sales (Within State)
✅ Inter-State Sales (Between States)
GSTIN simplifies tax compliance and ensures seamless tax collection across states, making it easier for businesses to operate under a unified tax structure.
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